Visa Pinless Notice


Notice Regarding Non-VISA® PINLess Debit Card Transactions

The First National Bank of Fort Smith, The First National Bank of NWA, a division of The First National Bank of Fort Smith, and The National Bank of Sallisaw, a division of The First National Bank of Fort Smith, and The Central National Bank of Poteau, a division of The First National Bank, allow non-VISA® debit transaction processing, which does not require that all such non-VISAs Debit Card transactions be authenticated with your Personal Identification Number (PIN).

Examples of non-VISA® debit transactions are listed below:

  • To initiate a non-VISA® debit transaction, you may enter a PIN at a (POS) terminal or, for certain bill payment transactions, provide the account number for an e-commerce or mail/telephone order transaction after clearly indicating a preference to route it as a non-VISA debit
    transaction. These transactions are enabled through the PULSE® network, which is associated with your First National Bank of Fort Smith VISA®
    Debit Card, but is not a part of VISA®,
  • The PULSE® network also allows the PINless bill-payment debits and credits for specific merchant types such as utility, property management and
    government payments.

Examples to initiate a VISA® debit transaction:

  • Examples of the types of actions that may be required by you to initiate a VISA® debit transaction include: signing a receipt, providing a card
    number, using Verified by VISA® over the Internet or swiping your card through a Point of Sale (POS) terminal, and choosing to route the
    transaction over a VISA® network.
  • Please note that the terms and conditions of your agreement with us relating to VISA® debit transaction do not apply to non-VISA® debit transactions. For example, the additional limits on liability (Sometimes referred to as VISA® zero—liability program) and the streamlined error resolution process offered on VISA® debit card transactions are not applicable to transactions processed on a PIN Debit Network, (VISA® rules generally define PIN-Debit Network; as a non —VISA® debit network that typically authenticates transactions by use of a personal identification number (PIN) but that is not generally known for having a card program).

Should you have questions regarding PINless non-VISA transaction and your rights and obligations related to such transactions, please contact our Account Services Department at:

The First National Bank of Fort Smith, P. 0. Box 7 Ft. Smith, AR 72902 Telephone: (479) 788-4600 or AR & OK only (800) 364-1827